I love onions and they are the backbone for many dishes I love as well, but peeling and chopping onions is something I really don't care for.
There are many tips and tricks on how to prevent the crying while doing the onion cutting. Some are a little wacky, but why is it that we have to cry while chopping onions in the first place?
"When we cut into an onion, we break its cells, releasing the contents
inside. This allows chemicals that were previously separated by a cell
membrane to combine with each other and with the air. Enzymes and “amino
acid sulfoxide” chemicals from inside the cells react to produce a
volatile sulfur gas. This gas wafts up from the onion and reacts with
the natural water in your eye to form sulfuric acid, which brings about
the familiar stinging sensation.
of the reasons we cry is to rinse harmful things such as dust and in
this case acid out of our eyes, Pain receptors send a
message to our tear ducts, prompting a flow of tears to dilute the acid."
BY Evan Conway
So what can we do to prevent the crying bit?
Some people seem to be more affected by the weepy fumes than others. So give the suggestions below a try and find the one that works best for you.
1. Keep your onions in the refrigerator or place your onion that is to be chopped for 15 minutes in the freezer. The cold slows down the release of the fumes that make you cry
2. Use a really sharp knife and try to cut the onion instead of chopping it. When you crush the onion which chopping really is, the chemicals in the onion will release faster.
3. Wear goggles. You will look a tad goofy, but who cares?
4. Put your chopping board next to the stove under the range hood and turn the fan on high, as to suck the fumes away from the air around you.
5. Cut the onion in half and dip it in salt or lemon water for a moment.
cut the onion in half and dip it briefly in salt water or lemon water.
More at <a
Ways to Peel and Cut Onions without Crying</a>,10 Ways to Peel
and Cut Onions without Crying, Copyright © <a
href='http://www.eatwell101.com'>Eatwell 101</a>
cut the onion in half and dip it briefly in salt water or lemon water.
More at <a
Ways to Peel and Cut Onions without Crying</a>,10 Ways to Peel
and Cut Onions without Crying, Copyright © <a
href='http://www.eatwell101.com'>Eatwell 101</a>
6. Chew on something like gum or a piece of bread.
7. Using the natural acid of lemon juice or vinegar can help reduce the possibility of irritation. To
give this method a try, just wipe down your knife with either and cut away!
8. Light a candle, this trick might be worth a try. Some
people say the gas released from the onion will be drawn to the flame. If this doesn't work at least you have a nice romantic mood in your kitchen.
9. Instead
of cutting your onion into rings (against the grain) cut them into
strips (with the grain), slicing from one end to the other. That disrupts fewer
cell walls and releases fewer oils.
10. Have someone else cut the onion for you!
I hope one or more of these methods will keep you from crying and make the task of peeling and dicing onions a little bit easier and more enjoyable.
If you have a tip on how to cut onions please leave a comment.
Thanks for looking