Filofax Layout {Week #2}

This week I chose to decorate my weeks pages in black and light purple Washi and little cute chubby Pandas. I have been holding on to these Panda stickers for a long time and decided it was finally time to do something with so much cuteness.

I love these little chubbsters and this weeks layout.

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-Free Printable 2015 Calendar Filofax Size A5-

I was bored yesterday.
It has been raining and there is not much to do around the house, so I decided to create a printable calendar for next year.

It seems every year gets shorter and shorter and before you know it the next new year has already arrived.

Time goes by so fast and gets more precious as you get older. This is probably one of the reasons why so many of us make use of a Filofax or planner. They help to use our time more wisely and in an organized manner so that we can spend more time with our loved ones or doing the things we love.

The calendar is in A5 size.

Click on image to download

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-Happy Fall Y'all And A Filo Life Card-

Fall is finally here and I'm glad it is.
After a hot summer down here in SE New Mexico I'm happy that it has begun to cool down quite a bit and rains are falling.

Fall is one of my favorite times of year and I miss the season change we used to enjoy up in Colorado when we lived there. It's not quite the same here where the trees are rare and the cactus will not change for the seasons.

Either way, Fall is finally here and with that begins the more festive part of the year. I'm looking forward to it all and my first seasonal project is a Fall themed Filo Life card available for download below.

Download front and back side of the card, print back to back and punch 3 holes by lining your card up with one of your Filofax inserts

Have a great Fall Season

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-Craigslist Hutch-

Quite some time ago I found this old dining room hutch on Craigslist and ended up buying it.
It is solid wood and has been hand crafted by an elderly gentlemen who was a retired cabinet maker.

It came in 2 pieces, is unbelievably heavy and had several layers of  bad paint jobs. One of them seemed to be a dark green at one point.

The hardware did not look so great either. It wasn't original to the piece and just did not look right.

My Table and chairs are mostly black in color so the choice to paint this hutch black was an easy one to make.

For the hinges, drawer and cabinet pulls I chose a contemporary satin nickle look

I think it turned out nice. It was a lot of work and at times frustration, but it sure was worth having a huge hutch with tons of storage for china and silverware.

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-World Market Mini Haul!-

When I'm in the city shopping, the last stop I always make is at the World Market Store
I love browsing through the different sections of the worlds products.
From furniture and accessories, to food and drink from India, Italy, Austria, the Philippines, Argentina and many other countries. I believe 50 different countries in all are represented.

I of course go there to find products from Germany. The selection is not large, but the WM carries a few of my favorite things. I never walk out of the store without buying something. 
This time I found and bought some favorites of mine and my husbands.

Hanuta is a favorite since my childhood.
For years my mom would send me these in care packages, but I'm happy to find them here now as well.

The Oktoberfest in Munich is about to start this weekend. 
On Saturday 9/20 is the arrival of the tent patrons with parade through Munich. With that, one of the greatest German parties will begin. To mark the festive occasion we bought some beer imported from Munich. We're not big drinkers, but now and then we enjoy a beer. 
I don't care for straight beer all that much, which is almost a crime if you're German!
However, I do absolutely love it mixed with Coke. Where I'm from we call it a "Cola Schobbe"
The mix for a Cola Beer is simple. Just pour equal parts of beer and Coke in a glass. 
Preferably a nice big beer mug. This was always my drink of choice, when I went out with my friends. I've tried to make it with different kinds of American beers, but it never really tastes the same as it does with a real German brand of beer. It works kinda OK with the Heineken brand.

Hmmm, hmmm Curry Sauce!
This is good stuff and goes great with German brats and sausages. Curry wurst is a fast food type dish in Germany and can be found pretty much everywhere. This sauce is great, but a bit different from the curry ketchup used for curry wurst. This has a sweeter taste. While I really like the sauce I do prefer the spicier curry ketchup. 

Find my Curry Wurst Recipe here

And my all time favorite salad herbs. Maggie #4 these herbs from the dill family are great. 
My dad threw this stuff on any kind of salad and they tasted great. In fact he still uses it.

As you can see on the main picture I also purchased a new Kitchenaid spring form.

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-Printable Filofax To Do List For Personal Size-

I created a To Do List.
The file is free for download and personal use. This is my first self made insert for a personal Filofax and I'm happy to share it with you for free.

The file is in PDF format.

Click to download

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-Rainy Shopping Trip-

This past Saturday my husband and I took a trip to Lubbock, Texas to do a little shopping.
We go there quite often since there are no bigger cities close by to where we live, so we take the 1 1/2 hour drive on the weekends.
We had a great time even tho it was a very rainy day and it had cooled down quite a bit. It really felt kind of great after some hot and muggy days here in New Mexico.

On the way there we passed by some beautiful sunflower fields.
In a short while these beauties will be tall and big. I hope to see them again fully grown and before they will be harvested. I think sunflowers are the friendliest of flowers. They offer happy feelings when you look at them. A pretty sight like this reminded me that fall is just around the corner.

From the looks of it, the cotton fields will be popping soon as well. I cannot wait to go out and pick some cotton sprigs to decorate our home with them for the fall season.

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-My New Filofax Supply Organizer-

I'm so excited!
My Orla Kiely Cosmetic Bag just arrived.
While this cute bag is meant for Cosmetics and toiletries it is also perfect to carry art and craft supplies or in this case all my Filofax goodies for when I'm on vacation or otherwise away from home.

I'm not Filofax newbie, but during my discovery of what can be done with a Filofax to make it look cute, personal and one of a kind, I came across this bag and immediately wanted one. Unfortunately this cosmetic bag is a little on the pricy side and I could not afford the one I really wanted, but I got a pretty good deal on this Orla Kiely Garden version and I really do like it. It surprises me to say so, because I'm not a fan of the color green. I could do without the neon orange zipper pulls as well, but I think I can change those out somehow. Besides the unimportant "color dislikes" I'm really in like with this bag!

The outside is a vinyl like material that can be wiped and repels water.

Inside are two large pockets on either side. One with mesh the other made with plastic. Both have zippers. In the middle is an organizer with room for pens, markers and other tools.

On the other side there is another zippered pocket with room for stickers or journal and small note pads.

All in all there is plenty of space for all kinds of Filofax supplies and decor items. I love it.

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-New Filofax Saffiano Raspberry-

Today is a good day!
My new Filofax Saffiano Raspberry arrived in the mail. 
I only owned a Black Domino Personal up until now and I love it's size to carry around in my purse, but I wanted a bigger Filofax to be used as a journal/art journal and picked out the A5 Saffiano Raspberry. 
It is soooo pretty!I just love the color, even tho it is not a true raspberry color and more on the fuchsia or light purpely side. 
Honestly, I'm not quite sure what color it is, but it's just lovely.

The inside is still very Filofax like and I can't wait to get it all prettied up and make it mine. When I'm done I will show it in a post.

-German Cucumber Salad - Gurkensalat-

It's 93F today and there is nothing more cool and refreshing than a German Cucumber Salad for lunch.
Since my childhood in Germany Cucumber Salad has been one of my favorites.. During hot summer days my mother would make this salad often. Usually on the side of salt potatoes and frikadellen which are a seasoned hamburger patty type dish.

Today I just had some Cucumber Salad all by itself for lunch and here is the recipe if you would like to try it.
It's a very light salad with an exhilarating taste that's delicious anytime of the year.

  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 cup sour cream or you can use plain yogurt
  • 1 medium to large tomato
  • 1 small onion
  • 2-4 tsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 - 3/4 tsp dill
Note: Instead of just dill i prefer to use  Maggi spices number 4 "crisp salads" which is based on herbs such as dill, parsley, chives and lovage. Ideal for green salads, potato or cucumber salads, but also fish dishes, herb sauces and savory quark dishes. You can find Maggie number 4 herbs in German deli stores
  • Pinch of salt 

  1. Peel and slice your cucumbers, slice your tomato, and dice your onion.
  2.  In a bowl, combine sour cream or yogurt with dill (Maggie Number 4) and salt. Add lemon juice to taste. Mix well.
  3. Add onion, cucumber, and tomato to the mixture and stir until the veggies are coated with the dressing. 
Place in the fridge for about 1-2 hours to chill

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