-Make your own Jellie Plate...Gelli Plate-

I love art journals and mixed media arts.

There are so many talented people out there sharing their journals and altered books that I feel really intimidated to try and start my own art journal.
I think the fear of the blank page or the ruin of a pretty but empty journal is what keeps me from trying to get messy and artsy. I have tons of empty composition books and journals on my shelve because I love having them, but I never buy them to actually do something with them.

Today I desided to change that and give art journaling a try.
For sometime now I've seen artists use a Gelli Plate to create backgrounds for their art or simple mono prints. It looks like fun playing with the Gelli Plate and acrylic paints. This method should help me to create some nice backgrounds for my journal.
There are several sizes on the market for purchases but I thought I would try to make one myself first.
Besides, the Gelli Plates are not on the cheap side and I like things to be affordable, especially if I'm not quite sure if I will like it.

I found a really simple recipe on Youtube by thefrugalcrafter Lindsay Weirich. 
If you would like to make your own Gelli Plate please go and check out her video.

Meanwhile here is my short tutorial and recipe on how to make one.
It's really very simple and will save you a few dollars.

You will need:

6 Tablespoons gelatin (7 packets)

I found mine from Knox in the section of Walmart where they keep all the other jellos.
You will want the unflavored kind (see picture below) There are 4 envelopes in each box so you will have to buy 2 boxes.

3 cups glycerin

You can find glycerin in the pharmacy. Usually by the first aid supplies. If you can't locate it ask your pharmacist. It can also be found at Hobby Lobby or Michaels in the baking section. It is used to soften fondant and as sweetener. There are tons of other uses for glycerin like soap making or preservation of flowers. Why not do some research?

1 1/2 cups of boiling water

1 shallow rectangular form or whatever container deep enough to hold 4 1/2 cups of liquid.

Choose a form you won't feel bad about if you have to throw it away. I'm not quite sure if it is advisable to reuse it after it was filled with glycerin. I don't know if it is toxic or not. I would think it isn't if it has uses for baking and cake decorating. But better safe than sorry. Same goes for any utensil you might use to stir the mixture!
I just used an old spoon.

Bring water to a boil.
Dissolve the 7 packets of gelatine in the 3 cups of glycerin

Add 1 1/2 cups of boiling water to the gelli glycerin mix and stir well.
Pour all of the liquid in your form. If little bubbles have formed just use a needle or tooth pic and pop them all to avoid them showing up on your Gelli Art Prints.Now just let it set until firm.
I placed mine in the fridge for several hours.

Use a knife to trace and loosen your homemade "jelli plate" around the edges of the form and carefully lift one corner to release the vacuum. Now your plate should come out of the form easily.

When my Jelli Plate is not in use i have it sitting on a piece of cardboard and covered with some plastic wrap. The plate should hold up for quite some time, but if you ever damage it or scratch it just place it back in your form, liquify it for a couple of minutes in the microwave and let it reset again.

The glycerin is acting as a preserver and will keep your plate from molding. Please note that it will not turn out to be crystal clear.

I did not have much time to play with my plate, but I managed to make some quick and simple prints.

If  you would like to buy a professional Gelli Plate you can find one here
Gelli Arts Gel Printing Plate 8X10 Inch

Thanks for looking

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